To move toward truly decentralized liquidity (DL), we need to conceive its ideal model. In our view, the more addresses with a non-zero balance of a given asset are exists, the higher its degree of decentralization takes place. From this perspective (storage location), a multitude of EOAs that have approved...
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Secured NFT
NFT secured with ERC20
In September 2020, after a detailed acquaintance with a number of DeFi projects, I am considering the idea of a possible use of ERC721 tokens. The main point is below.
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Short forecast
Short term forecast on Ethereum scalability from MaximS
For the last two years, we (Iber Blockchain R&D Team) have specialized in developing solutions on the Ethereum platform. In a sense, we have bet on this technology. Therefore, we consider it possible to make a small forecast for 2019. Everyone knows the blockchain trilemma, which Vitalik Buterin formulated. He...
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Ethereum tallks
About ethereum "vulnerabilities"
In November 2018, I noticed two publications about Ethereum vulnerabilities in a very respected Internet media. Against the background of a general fall in the crypto market, this news could be perceived by a wide audience as negative towards the Ethereum platform itself. I and my colleagues at IberGroup have...
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Ethereum blog review - number 1
My fisrt publication about Ethereum in far 2016.(LJ, ru)
In 2016 I have began learn Ethereum. In that time there were a lot of articles without deep tech details. That why my choice was to translating Vitalik’s posts in official Ethereum blog. And I was not mistaken - there was tonns of sence.
All my LJ publication (RU)
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